
Author Newsletter Marketing

An email newsletter is a fun and effective way to build your author brand and to keep readers excited about your books. If you’re looking for support in creating or maintaining a regular newsletter to promote your published books, our email newsletter service can help. Using email marketing best practices, we’ll create a professional email newsletter template specifically for your brand. One-time setup and/or ongoing (monthly) service terms available. 



Event Marketing

Readings and events can be an excellent way to reach your specific audience, get to know booksellers, and increase your presence in the literary world. They are also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the publication of your book with family, friends, colleagues, and readers. Our events specialist can help you create a customized event plan, book the appropriate venues, organize all of the little details, and make sure that word is getting out about your readings and events.



Award Submissions

Winning awards creates excellent opportunities for publicity and social-media buzz around your book, and it is a wonderful way to celebrate your publishing success. Our awards specialist will create a robust list of awards, specifically tailored to fit what is best for you, your book, and your publisher. We will then submit the awards on your behalf, handling all aspects of submissions—managing deadlines, submitting award applications, shipping books, and following up on award announcements. With many years of publishing industry experience and knowledge, we know just which awards to select for your book, and we have a fantastic rate of success for our authors.


You can learn more about our marketing specialists here and here.

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Because every project is unique, cost varies. Please complete our inquiry form for a free sample edit (select services) and estimate.