Write Like You Mean It
Saturdays, May 9–June 13, 2020
10:00–11:30 a.m.
As great writers will tell you, the craft of writing requires more than putting words on a page.Join professional editor Ali Shaw for a six-week writing class that will both inspire you to write more and guide you through craft lessons to improve your writing skill. With this workshop, you’ll learn what makes dialogue feel natural, what makes a reader trust the narrator, and much more.
Each class will feature a skill lesson, a craft goal, and an example from a master, then prompt-based writing time, sharing time, and a homework assignment. Depending on your registration level (see below), you can also be paired with a class peer to swap your homework for feedback as well as receive instructor feedback or professional editing on each week’s homework.
The class will be live on Zoom, and a video of the class and all related materials will be available to registered participants after the class as well.
Memoir and fiction writers of all levels will find value from this class. Join us!
I know many people are facing financial uncertainty these days, and I also know that it may be difficult to commit to a full six-week program right now. I want all writers who would like to participate to have access, so I offer the following tiered fee structure to accommodate as many as possible:
- $10/session: Live Zoom class, handouts, access to video of class afterward
- $25/session: Live Zoom class, handouts, access to video of class afterward + story swap for peer feedback + writing feedback from the instructor
- $50/session: Live Zoom class, handouts, access to video of class afterward + story swap for peer feedback + professional editing from the instructor
- $250: All six weeks of live classes, handouts, access to videos, peer feedback, and professional editing
- If your current financial situation leaves you unable to pay anything but you are serious about improving your writing, please reach out anyway.
Register with the online shopping cart at www.ali-shaw.com/teaching. (Note: Registration fee must be received by 5:00 p.m. Pacific time the Friday before the session.)
Bonus: Week 7 Is a Reading!
At the conclusion of the class, you will have written work you’re proud of, so let’s share it!
We will have a Zoom-based reading, and anyone who participated in any of the classes is welcome to be a featured reader. The reading will be open to all people you’d like to invite, and we’ll record it for public viewing and sharing on YouTube afterward.
This is a terrific idea for generating writing and being held accountable.
Thanks for setting up the many tiers.
My pleasure, Carolyn. I’m looking forward to working with writers in the class. Thanks for sharing!