Hi, writers!
We’re continuing our weekly Sit Down, Shut Up, and Write write-ins every Thursday at 6:00 p.m. Pacific Time. We chat for thirty minutes online, and then we all sign off to do an hour of quiet writing time in our own space.
If you’d like to join us this summer, here are the Zoom links and passwords to be able to do so.
June 25 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83267938103…
Password: 762745 (Thanks for hosting, Kristen!)
Password: 4QN3Gy (Thanks for hosting, Maggie!)
Password: 7Mjs0P (Thanks for hosting, Nicole!)
July 16–September 3 Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84115471449?pwd=M243MGoxZ2xLU2RJQnovL25YUjRKUT09
Password: 650528 (Back to our regular hosting rotation. Thanks!)
if you’re on Facebook, join our group there for more regular updates and interactions.
Thank you, and happy writing!
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